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Monday, March 15, 2010

I Heart Faces (All Bundled Up)

This week's theme at I ♥ Faces is a tribute to the beautiful--and cold--winter weather. I have to admit, I had a hard time with this weeks theme. Here in AZ it's not to super cold, so we don't really get "bundled up" per say.

However, I did find a photo that I think fits this weeks theme. It is a picture (of course) of my Lyla. We were at a dirtbike racing track watching my nephew race his 85 orange KTM dirtbike. Lyla loved it, until she started getting tired. The weather was windy and chilly, so I decided to wrap her up in a nice warm blanket. And if you can believe it, she actually fell asleep! With all the noise and wind she fell asleep! It was the cutest thing EVER!



  1. It's amazing how soundly a baby will sleep in the midst of chaos! Beautiful capture. Those puffy little cheeks and long eyelashes are so sweet.

  2. It amazes me where little ones can fall asleep. So cute.

  3. She looks so warm and content :) Adorable!

  4. Very cute. My little guy could fall asleep anytime, anywhere. He even fell asleep standing up with his forehead pressed against a bar stool. How crazy!

  5. The more noise around Kwinci ... The harder he sleeps lol. Cute picture though!

  6. What a sweetie. My little one barely sleeps and especially if it's noisy!

  7. So precious! Nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby!

  8. I want to be this girl!!! She looks so cozy.
